Sphere Formula For Volume Diameter and Surface Area with 3d Images

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The sphere formula is a key concept in geometry, particularly useful when dealing with round objects. Imagine a cricket ball – it’s a perfect example of a sphere, which is simply a round object in three-dimensional space that’s completely symmetrical.

Sphere Formula

What Exactly is a Sphere?

A sphere is a round, three-dimensional shape where every point on its surface is the same distance from its center. This distance is known as the radius. Common examples of spheres that we encounter in daily life include footballs, tennis balls, and even the globe.

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In this article, we’ll explore how to calculate a sphere’s volume and surface area using the sphere formula.

Sphere Formula

When it comes to spheres, two key formulas help us understand their properties:

Surface Area of a Sphere:

The surface area is the amount of space covering the outside of the sphere. To calculate it for a sphere with a radius ( r ), use the formula:

A = 4πr2

Here, (π) (pi) is approximately 3.14159, and ( r ) is the radius.

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Volume of a Sphere:

The volume measures how much space the sphere occupies. For a sphere with radius (r), the volume is calculated as:

V = (4/3)πr3

Again, (π) is the constant pi, and ( r ) is the radius.

These formulas are essential for working out the surface area and volume of any sphere, assuming it’s a perfectly round, three-dimensional object.

Sphere Formula Essentials

Understanding the mathematics of spheres is crucial in both geometry and physics. Here’s a simplified list of formulas for spheres:

Surface Area of a Sphere:
To find the surface area ( A ) of a sphere, you use the radius ( r ) in the formula:

A = 4πr2

Volume of a Sphere:
The volume ( V ) of a sphere is calculated with the radius ( r ) as:

Volume of a Sphere

Diameter of a Sphere:
The diameter ( d ) is simply twice the radius of the sphere:

d = 2r

Circumference of a Great Circle on the Sphere:
The circumference ( C ) of a great circle is:

C = 2πr

Distance between Two Points on the Sphere:
For points A and B on a sphere’s surface, the distance ( d ) is found using the spherical law of cosines:

Distance between Two Points on the Sphere

Spherical Sector Volume:
The volume ( V ) of a spherical sector is given by:

Spherical Sector Volume

These formulas are the foundation for calculating the surface area, volume, and other properties of spheres. They are particularly useful for solving various geometric and physical problems involving spherical objects.

Can you explain how to derive these formulas?

Surface Area of a Sphere:

The surface area of a sphere can be derived by considering the sphere as a collection of infinitesimally small circles (discs) stacked upon each other. Imagine slicing the sphere horizontally into these discs. The area of each disc is ( πr2), where ( r ) is the radius of the disc at a particular height. By integrating this area from the bottom of the sphere to the top, we cover the entire surface area of the sphere. This integral leads us to the formula:

surface area of sphere

Here, ( R ) is the radius of the sphere, and ( h ) is the height of the disc from the center of the sphere.

Volume of a Sphere:

The volume of a sphere can be derived using a similar approach. Instead of looking at the area of discs, we consider their volume. The volume of each thin disc is ( πr2dh ), where ( dh ) is the thickness of the disc. Integrating this volume from the bottom of the sphere to the top gives us the total volume:

Volume of a Sphere 1

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In both cases, the integral is evaluated using the limits from the negative radius to the positive radius of the sphere, which covers the entire sphere.

These derivations are based on calculus, specifically the method of integration, which allows us to sum up an infinite number of infinitesimally small quantities to find the total surface area and volume. The constant ( pi ) (approximately 3.14159) appears in these formulas because of the circular cross-sections involved in the sphere’s geometry.

I hope this explanation helps clarify how the formulas for the surface area and volume of a sphere are derived! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Sphere Formula and Total Surface Area Properties

Center of the Sphere:

The center is the fixed point inside the sphere that is equidistant from all points on the sphere’s surface. This uniform distance to the surface defines the sphere’s perfect symmetry.

Radius of the Sphere:

The radius is a straight line extending from the center to any point on the sphere’s surface. It’s the defining measure of the sphere and is commonly represented by the letter ( r ).

Diameter of the Sphere:

The diameter is the longest straight line that can be drawn through the center of the sphere, connecting two points on its surface. It is denoted by ( D ) and is exactly twice the length of the radius.

These properties are fundamental in understanding and calculating the sphere’s total surface area and other related geometric measurements.

Sphere Formula Of Area, Diameter, Volume in a table

Surface Area (A)A=4πr2The total area covering the surface of the sphere.
Diameter (D)D=2rThe longest straight line through the center of the sphere.
Volume (V)V=4/3​πr3The total space occupied by the sphere.

In these formulas, (r) represents the radius of the sphere, and (pi) is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159. These formulas are essential for various calculations involving spheres in geometry and physics.

Sphere Diameter Formula

The diameter of a sphere is the longest line you can draw from one side to the other, passing through the center. It’s always twice as long as the radius.

Diameter (D) Formula:

D = 2r

Sphere Area Formula

A sphere’s surface area is the total area of its outer curved surface. Since a sphere has no edges or flat sides, the total surface area is the same as the curved surface area.

Total Surface Area (A) Formula:

A = 4πr2

Here, ( pi ) is a mathematical constant, approximately 3.14 or the fraction ( 22/7 ).

Sphere Volume Formula

The volume of a sphere is its capacity, or how much space it has inside.

Volume of a Sphere formula

Volume (V) Formula:

V = 4/3πr3

In this formula, ( pi ) is again the constant pi, and ( r ) is the radius of the sphere.

Sphere formula: Difference between Circle and Sphere Explanation


A circle is a two-dimensional (2D) shape. It consists of all the points in a plane that are at a given distance (the radius) from a central point (the center). The circle is defined by its radius, and its area is calculated using the formula:

Area of a Circle (A) = πr2


In contrast, a sphere is a three-dimensional (3D) object. Like a circle, it has a central point, but every point on the surface of a sphere is equidistant from that center point. This distance is the radius of the sphere. The surface area and volume of a sphere are calculated using the formulas:

Surface Area of a Sphere (A) = 4πr2
Volume of a Sphere (V) = 4/3πr3

Key Differences:

  • Dimensions: A circle is flat with only length and width (2D), while a sphere has length, width, and height (3D).
  • Area vs. Surface Area: The circle has an area, but the sphere has a surface area, which is like the area of the circle wrapped around the entire sphere.
  • Volume: A sphere contains volume, the amount of space inside it, which a circle does not have.

In summary, a circle is a simple closed curve on a plane, whereas a sphere is a set of points in space that are all at the same distance from a central point, forming a perfectly round three-dimensional shape. The formulas for their respective areas and the sphere’s volume reflect these fundamental differences.


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Sachin Jangra, a BSc Computer Science graduate, combines his technical expertise with a passion for blogging and SEO. With three years of hands-on experience, he navigates the digital landscape, creating insightful content and optimizing online presence.